SharePoint 2007 provides a function for denied user to request access right by email. You can configure an email account for receive the request mail. Just go to "People and Groups", click “Site Permissions", then click "Settings" and choose "Access Requests".
There are not always only one people manage the site, maybe two or more. You can put the ";" between emails in the text box like (owner1@teamsite;owner2@teamsite), then the request mail will send to multi email address.
SharePoint 2007 提供了一個功能讓沒有權限存取某個網站的使用者可以透過Email的方式對該網站請求存取權. 你可以在 "People and Groups"中點選 "Site Permissions", 然後選取"Settings"->"Access Requests". 會有一個Text Box, 填入Email, 就可以收到使用者的請求.
但是一個Site並不一定只會有一個人在管理, 所以怎麼將多人都放入Email清單中呢? 很簡單, 只要把分號放置其中, 像(owner1@teamsite;owner2@teamsite), 這樣子裡面每個人都會收到要求授予權限的Email了.