
Microsoft Office SharePoint Training Kit

Microsoft had release a excellent training kit for everyone, the training kit is free and recommend every internal SharePoint server to utilize it!

Beside install in server, you also can install it in desktop for user training.

Here is the rul to reference and download:  Get SharePoint Training

There are three files can download, one of them is detailed Install Guide. Just follow the instructions and you will complete whole deployment very soon.

One thing for the people have more than two web front end servers:

When I try to deploy the solution in the "Operation" section of "SharePoint Central Administration Site", the status always show "deploying" without any indication that would be completed the deployment. So, I go to the "Timer Job Definitions" in the "Operation" section and delete the solution deployment job. than using command to execute deployment as "stsadm -o deploysolution -name mosstraining.wsp -url http://xxxxx -allowGacDeployment -local"  in the server where Central Administration Site located.

Then the deployment completed.

So, I guess that training kit should install in the server which Central Administration Site located.

After all, If you want to build the training course by yourself, SharePoint Training Kit only support SCORM (Sharable Content Object Reference Model), so you can find the authoring tools in this discussion.



Microsoft 最近釋出一個很棒的SharePoint的教育訓練Solution (Final了, 不是之前的Beta喔) , 完全免費, 建議大家使用. 它除了可以裝在Server上變成一個SharePoint教育訓練的Site以外, 可以單機使用.

大家可以從這裡去看看它的介紹, 裡面也有下載的連結.

如果是要下載安裝到Server的話, 你會看到有三個檔案可以下載, 其中一個就是安裝手冊, 超詳細的, 照著安裝, 很快就會裝好.

不過在我安裝的過程中, 出了一點問題, 在這裡給那些有兩台或以上的web front end server的朋友參考一下:

當我試著要在"管理站台"的"作業"中去deploy這個Solution時, 那個deploy狀態一直顯示"deploying", 過了一天還是如此, 一直沒有出現應該有的"deployed". 後來我就到"作業"裡面的"定時工作定義"中去把那個Training(我忘記名字了)砍掉, 然後回到安裝"管理站台"的那台Server下了以下的命令"stsadm -o deploysolution -name mosstraining.wsp -url http://xxxxx -allowGacDeployment -local", 瞬間就完成了.

我後來想想, 安裝的Server應該要找那台"管理站台"的Server, 這樣才不會有問題.

最後還有一個比較特別的, 假如你要做一個訓練課程, 那你要找一個authoring tools (可以翻做"編寫工具"嗎?...感覺很鳥) , 在這個討論串中你可以找到很多references, 因為這個Training Kit只支援SCORM (Sharable Content Object Reference Model)格式的東西.


Notes about index server remove and configuration

A couple of days ago, I install a new index server and try to replace the old index server inside server farm because the old index server have several  problematic issues.

Here are some notes about the remove/replace:

1. Please don't join the server farm before your new server's SharePoint version is consist with other servers in the server farm.

2. Please make sure the date format is M/d/yyyy

3. Please make sure you already remove old index from SharePoint administration site before the new one join into server farm.

4. Please make sure the index server's index location is locate at the right location with plenty space.

5. Maybe you need reboot the web front end server or index server in this progress.

6. Please remember grant the NTFS permission for the specific index data files path, for web front end servers to get data.

Here is the valued discussion for this process : "Query server index file location not shared" . Please reference this url when you found the message in event log as:

   1:  Event Type:    Warning

   2:  Event Source:    Office Server Search

   3:  Event Category:    Search service 

   4:  Event ID:    10039

   5:  Date:        1/15/2008

   6:  Time:        9:39:06 PM

   7:  User:        N/A

   8:  Computer:    *******

   9:  Description:

  10:  Retry of query machine *******  has failed with error: 

  11:  The system cannot find the file specified.   

  12:  0x80070002.  

  13:  It will be retried again in 900 seconds. 

  14:  Component: fc21b7e8-b377-481a-927b-07e697365c0b



一些有關Index Server變換或更新的筆記

因為之前的Index Server一直有問題, 所以在幾天前我灌了一台新的Index Server去換掉他, 下面是一些心得:


1. 記得先把Hotfix, patch等灌一灌, 確定版本跟Server Farm裡面一樣再Join farm

2. 在安裝前先確認機器的日期格式是 M/d/yyyy

3. 在join farm之前記得先把舊的移走

4. 如果你有用外部儲存空間, 記得要把Index Data Files 的位置設定過去

5. 在這個過程中可能會需要web server跟index server重開機

6. 記得要確認檔案系統的權限有設定好, 要不上面那個Warning就會是Error了.


"Query server index file location not shared" 這個是一個很好的討論串, 裡面有Search Service Deployment的建議跟資訊.


How to add a MSN messenger on your welcome page

I thought it's really cool that people can talk to you when he/she browse your blog or site welcome page.

Please follow below steps to add blog version MSN messenger:

1. Connect to MSN configuration page, then click Web Settings .

2. Please check up the check box "Allow websites to see your Messenger status and send you messages". And "Save".

3.  Then click "Create HTML", you can configure the appearance that you want, and please remember copy the HTML.

4. If you are suing SharePoint as your blog, please add a content edit web part. Modify the web part, and click "Edit Source", paste the code in step 3. If you are using other kinds blog system, please find out the code edit panel or something like "template edit" or "theme edit", and find the location appropriate to insert the code.

5. Completed, You can try the web part.

P.S. According here, seems this function is unavailable now, I sent the feedback to Microsoft Live Team, hope this function come back soon.

And Here is the testing Polaroid photo for Microsoft Live Writer:


MSN新病毒:Photos1-2008.zip (26KB)



1.使用 icesword,在Functions的Process中,右鍵 terminate下列進程 : C:\WINDOWS\happy2008.exe : C:\Program Files\Windows Live\Messenger\msnmsgr.exe :

2.刪除下列 登錄檔值 : 登錄檔路徑:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run : 登錄檔名稱:Windows svchost : 登錄檔數值:happy2008.exe

3.刪除下列檔案 : C:\WINDOWS\Photos1-2008.zip : C:\WINDOWS\happy2008.exe

4.用 ccleaner 清掉暫存檔

5.完工 : 測試用的病毒載點: http://www.badongo.com/file/7145292

完整病毒測試: : http://www.avpclub.ddns.info/discuz/thread-7427-1-1.html



This solution is come from PTT Taiwan http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MSNmessenger/M.1199348343.A.CC8.html
1. Use icesword , terminate the processes a. C:\WINDOWS\happy2008.exe b. C:\Program Files\Windows Live\Messenger\msnmsgr.exe in”functions”

2. Start->Run, Keyin “regedit”, delete the keyvaluepair called [Windows svchost; happy2008.exe] under path [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run]

3. Delete the files : C:\WINDOWS\Photos1-2008.zip and C:\WINDOWS\happy2008.exe

4. Use ccleaner to clear the temp files.

5. Done.

The Point is 1. Terminate the happy2008.exe process 2. Delete the registry 3. Delete the file.

This Post is reference from PTT, so, it will delete in couple days.