
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0SP1 (x64) (CBS): Error: Installation failed for component Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0SP1 (x64) (CBS). MSI returned error code -2146889721

Today, I got this error when update to the .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 in my Vista 64bits machine. I could not found any reference about this error message except this discussion. After read this thread, the only way is remove a part of RAM. It’s hard to believe, but the update was completed, and I also determined one of RAMs was bad quality.

So, If your machine is running well in Vista 64bits, but got the error message when update to .NET Framework 3.5 SP1, just replace the RAM when update, and the problem will gone.


The Limitation of SharePoint

None of these are hard limits enforced by the system. They are guidelines for designing a server that has good overall performance.

Site collections (Database scope) 50,000 ... Total throughput degrades as the number of site collections increases. (whole iShare)
Web sites (Web site scope) 2,000 ... The interface for enumerating subsites of a given Web site does not perform well much beyond 2,000 subsites.
Web sites (Site collection) 250,000 - You can create a very large total number of Web sites by nesting the subsites. For example, 100 sites each with 1000 subsites is 100,100 Web sites.
Documents (Folder scope) 2,000 ... The interfaces for enumerating documents in a folder do not perform well beyond a thousand entries.
Documents (Library scope) 2 million ... You can create very large document libraries by nesting folders.
Security principals (Web site scope) 2,000 ... The size of the access control list is limited to a few thousand security principals, in other words users and groups in the Web site.
Users ( Web site scope) 2 million ... You can add millions of people to your Web site by using Microsoft Windows security groups to manage security instead of using individual users.
Items (List scope) 2,000 ... The interface for enumerating list items does not perform well beyond a few thousand items.
Web Parts (Page scope) 100 ... Pages with more than 100 Web Parts are slow to render.
Web Part personalization (Page scope) 10,000 ... Pages with more than a few thousand user personalizations are slow to render.
Lists (Web site scope) 2,000 ... The interface for enumerating lists and libraries in a Web site does not perform well beyond a few thousand entries.
Document size (File scope) 50 MB ... The file save performance degrades as the file size grows. The default maximum is 50 MB. This maximum is enforced by the system, but you can change it to any value up to 2 GB (2047 MB) if you have applied Windows SharePoint Services Service Pack 1.


Some experiences I made recently (12/2008)

  1. Cannot serialize member ... , because it implements IDictionary. [Error Message]
    .NET Web Service support XML Soap, and IDictionary is one that can't serialized. So, be careful when define the parameter and return value.
    1. XML Serialize IDictionary types (Hashtable, DictionaryBase etc.)
    2. XmlSerialization with IDictionary and CollectionBase Objects
    3. Or just rewrite the data entry/ data structure
    4. Change web service to be RemotingAn Introduction to Microsoft .NET Remoting Framework
  2. Visual Studio 2008, Build a signed project and also build a testing project, Error happened when trying to build the solution: "Friend assembly reference is invalid. Strong-name signed assemblies must specify a public key in their InternalsVisibleTo declarations."
    I believe that could be fix in the Visual Studio Add on or something else, I add the PublicKeyToken and all running well.
    1. InternalsVisibleTo and Strong-Name signed assemblies
    2. InternalsVisibleTo and strong names
    3. Debugging Unit Tests in Visual Studio 2008 and ASP.Net
  3. Install upgrade license into Community Server.
    The stuff will send you an XML file, please check the content before install the license key file. There are plain text to define the key attribute. Check the data is correct, else the system will only show the error message and advice you to contact sales, and CAN'T ROLLBACK, your system will be have one page with error message and can't do anything....



There are no open file/folder dialog control in the toolbox when developing WPF project. but we can instead of Microsoft.Win32.OpenFileDialog.

WPF also can using BackgroundWorker to do working in background (working thread), only the plug the event method and running smoothly.



台灣盤應該還是在觀望, 所以應該又是先黑再盤吧, 所以決定先看早盤再說.

至於禮拜五的Dow, 應該是這些人已經覺得8號的bailout一定會過吧, 只是或多或少的問題.

今天有看到一篇, Mortgage forgiveness as a tax hike, 值得深思. reference : http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/nationworld/chi-oped1205forgivedec05,0,6266498.story



Dow –> 8,618.53, +26.84.  12:27AM GMT+8, 還在盤…

本來以為明天可以買進, 剛剛看了幾篇東西有疑慮



不過感覺上5/12 失業率不會太難看... MJ的東西, 新聞不會報, 不過相對來說, 可能只是貸款轉換, 換句話說, 只是用人參吊最後一口氣.

因為美國央行利率調到快變0, 撐著, 貸款才還得起來,  如果這個因素 可以解釋的話. 那空01/09 還是比較妥當. 所以明天先出手一半好了, 轉買1月的put單.
感覺效應不大, 畢竟CNN新聞都出來打預防針了
台灣也有報導, 所以看來幅度不會太大.