
Update "Modified By", "Created By" fields (Document Library)

How to change the information "Modified By", "Created By" of the files in the document library?

That's easy, the key point is the field name inside SPFile.Item, you must change the fields which fields' name as "Document Modified By" and "Document Created By".

Remember! Create a new SPUser and assign it into the fields, done.


怎咪改編Document Library裡面的檔案的"修改者", "建立者" 呢? (好像中文版是這樣)

很簡單, 把檔案相對應的Item裡面的Fields裡面的"Document Modified By""Document Created By"塞進你想要的SPUser, 記得要是只有名字的話, 要想辦法生個instance出來喔(new 一個出來).


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